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The International Forum «Uly Dalanyk Uly Alyby» dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Zh.Zhabayev will be held


The Abai KazNPU will host the International Forum «Uly Dalanyk Uly Alyby», dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev, the famous Kazakh akyn-improviser.

The organizers are the teaching staff of the educational program «Pedagogy and Psychology» of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology with the support of the UNESCO Chair for Educational Science and Teacher Training and the International Organization of Turkic Culture Turksoy.


Venue: 13, Dostyk Avenue, Almaty, Kazakhstan Abai KazNPU, room 320


Time: December 9-10, 2021 at 14.00


Form of participation: offline, online format (zoom platform)


Working languages at all sessions of the forum: Kazakh, Turkish, Russian, English