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International scientific-methodical conference "Modern scientific directions in Kazakh linguistics"


On 15May 2018 international scientific and methodological conference "Modern scientific directions in Kazakh linguistics", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the well-known linguistic scientist, teacher, doctor of philology, professor Nurzhamal Oralbaykzy Oralbai was held in the concert hall "Guilim Ordasi". It is organized by Abai Kazakh National pedagogical university with A. Baytursynov Institute of Linguistics and Kazakh State women`s teacher training University.



The conference was attended by scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates, students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, guests from Kyrgyzstan, relatives and friends of the anniversarian.


At the conference, the rector of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, D.P.S., professor Takir Balykbaev delivered a welcoming speech. In his report, he noted that a wide range of scientific works of the scientist Nurzhamal Oralbai, covering various areas of Kazakh linguistics, has become a valuable source of knowledge for students, undergraduates, doctoral students and the scientific community. Nurzhamal Oralbai brought up dozens of graduate students and undergraduates, hundreds and thousands of students. More than thirty years of labor activity of Nurzhamal Oralbai were associated with our school. She began her career as an ordinary teacher, then became the head of the department, she was the vice-rector for educational and methodical work. Takir Ospanuly, noting the great contribution to the development of Kazakh philology of Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Education Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, D.P.S., Professor Nurzhamal Oralbai, presented a memorable gift and wished the anniversarian good health and creative success .


The conference was headed by Corresponding Member of NAS RK, D.P.S., Professor, Vice-President of the National Academy of Natural Sciences of Kazakhstan Karimbek Kurmanaliev.


Director of the Institute of Linguistics, Corresponding Member of NAS RK, D.P.S., Professor Erden Kazhybek, delivered a report "Scientist who demonstrated national identity".


Several reports were devoted to different aspects of the scientific creativity of the anniversarian. For example, Corresponding member of NAS RK, D.P.S., Professor Fauzia Shamsiyakizi Orazbayeva presented a presentation on the topic "Word formation is the basis for the modernization of spiritual values", dedicated to the biography and scientific work of Professor Nurzhamal Oralbai. D.F.S., Bakytzhan Hasanuly said in his report on the life of the scientist and her scientific works "Proceedings of Nurzhamal Oralbai on word formation are the source of development of contrastive linguistics of Kazakh trilingualism". An interesting report on the topic "Professor N.Orlbayeva and the development of Kazakh grammar" was presented by D.F.S., prof. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Anar Salkynbay. The reports were also made by D.P.S.., professor of the Eurasian State University Tazagul Mukashkyzy Abdikarim, D.F.S., professor Beken Sagyndyuly.


The life of the scientist was told by Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Geological Sciences, prof. Aliya Beysenova.


The scientists from the Kyrgyz Republic D.P.S., professor Iskandir I. Isamedinov and D.P.S., prof. Kyrgyzbai Dushenbekovich Dobev came to congratulate the anniversarian Nurzhamal Oralbaykzy Oralbai.


Greetings telegrams from the Turkish scientists and Kyrgyzstan, from the rectors of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan were presented at the plenary session.


The well-known and melodic song "Gakku" was performed by Honored Artist of the RK, laureate of K. Bayseitova Vocalists International Competition, opera and concert singer Rymkesh Zhumadilova, there were songs performed by students of our university.


Teachers of the Institute of Philology and Polyglot Education, in particular the Chair of Practical Languages, under the leadership of the Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Rosalind Shahanova, took an active part in the organization of the international scientific and methodical conference. All participants of the conference received programs, collected articles and certificates.










Department of Practical Languages