In the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of the country "Kazakhstans way - 2050: The overarching goal, common interests, common future" has been given particular attention to employment of persons with disabilities. Pursuant to the tasks given by the President, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai conducts systematic work in this direction. A few days ago at the initiative of the rector of KazNPU named after Abai corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city Maslikhat deputy Serik Zhaylauovicha Pralieva in the university was held specialized job fair for people with disabilities within the project "Kedergіsіz Keleshek" ("In the future - without barriers") . The fair was attended by 25 employers, job centers, NGOs and various private companies, public organizations of Almaty. Fair with a brief opening statement opened vice-rector of the University A.Kulsarieva who expressed special gratitude akimat Medeu district leadership Almaty affiliate of "Nur Otan" and employers for their support to this important event. We have appealed to a number of educational institutions for help in organizing such events, first responded to our request KazNPUnamed after Abai headed by the rector S.Zh.Praliev. We are very grateful for their concern for people with disabilities - said in his speech, Chairman of the National Union of Disabled Ali Amanbayev. On the day of the fair Medeu regional branch of the party "Nur Otan" has organized a public reception of citizens with disabilities, during which were given advice on employment and outlines specific measures to ensure that persons with disabilities jobs. In the course of the event was an exhibition of industrial products made hands of employees engaged in the disabled, as well as works of art.