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Results of the Decade of Science of 2018


More than 70 events took place during the Decade of Science held at Abai KazNPU on 2-12 April 2018. Among them - 19 lectures on topical issues of science, read by invited scientists from other organizations in the country and abroad, 7 exhibitions, 2 of the master class, 7 excursions for students, 3 republican Olympiads and 4 quizzes for students, 5 meetings with veterans of Kazakhstan science 7 round tables, 4 conferences, 6 scientific-methodical seminars and 5 presentations.


Prominent scientists from France and Russia (Moscow and Novosibirsk) were invited to the events of the Decade of Science, and Irina Pereverzeva, Consul of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Almaty, took part in the International Round Table "Russian Language and Literature in the Modern World". The pupils of secondary school No. 165 of Almaty were attracted to the round table "Russian language and literature in the modern world", who made scientific reports.


Such events as scientific and educational quizzes aroused great interest and even excitement among students. Students of the Institute of History and Law participated in the quiz "Smart and clever", where they showed a high level of knowledge on the history of Kazakhstan and world history. An inter-institutional quiz "What? Where? When?", Organized by the Department of Practical Languages. The competition was held between the students of four teams: the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, and the team of the Institute of Natural History and Geography and the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. The competition was accompanied by vocal and dance performances by students of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports.


Actual issues of democratization in the sphere of criminal legislation were discussed in the round table "Reform of the Legal Service of the RK", conducted by the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines.


Presentation of the associate professor of the Institute of Natural History and Geography Bahadur Abdimanapov "Illustrations to the textbook on natural science for grades 5-6: productivity and efficiency of use", where the main principles of constructing the content and design of new generation textbooks aroused great interest.


In the process of the Decade, student scientific olympiads were held, in the opening of which scientists from Novosibirsk and Moscow took part. Director of the Institute of System Projects of Moscow City Pedagogical University, D.P.S., Assoc. S.N. Vachkova gave a lecture on the topic: "The problems of pedagogical measurements." The topic is relevant for the pedagogical science of Kazakhstan.


Prominent figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in the decade of science: writer Mamytbek Kaldybayev, academician Khabdrakhman Dyussembin, director of the Institute of History and Ethnography named after. Valikhanov K. MES RK, Doctor of History, Professor Ziyabek Kabuldinov, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Director of the Institute of Economics Azimkhan Satybaldin, Professor of KazNU. Al-Farabi Talas Omarbekov, Vice-Rector of the University. D. Kunaeva Gulnar Alibayeva, director of the Institute of Botany and Phytoproducts Gulnar Sitbaeva and several others.


Foreign guests participated in the Decade of Science: an open lecture was held by D.E.S., Laila Poras in French "Economic inequality world countries at the present stage", a public lecture of Doctor of Economics, professor Yorgusa Rizopulosa in French "Industrial Economy" and a lecture by Professor Geren Kabada in Turkish, and a meeting with the writer Georges Stassinakisom was held.














Department of Science