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Х Republican subject Olympiad on specialty 5B011700 - "Kazakh language and literature"


On April 9 - 10 2018 the Chair of Theory and Methodology of the Kazakh Language of the Institute of Philology and Polyglot Education of Abai KazNPU organized X Republican subject Olympiad on specialty 5B011700 - "Kazakh language and literature" among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Participants` speeches in the subject Olympiad were evaluated the professor Abai KazNPU. The jury membership: the Director of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education, D.F.S., Professor Baltabay Abdigiziuly, D.P.S., Professor Orazbaeva Fauziya Shamsievna, D.P.S., Associate Professor Dauletbekova Zhanat Turarbekovna, D.P.S., Professor Baltabaeva Zhanalyk Kylyshovna, D.P.S., Professor Esenova Kalbike Umirbaevna, D.F.S., Associate Professor Kabatay Bidana, C.P.S., senior lecturer Rauandina Aitzhamal Kalkenovna.


The subject Olympiad, which was attended by students from 22 universities of the country, consisted of 4 stages:

1 round. Representation of commands.

2 round. Testing: the theoretical knowledge of the participants in the Kazakh language, literature and methodology of their teaching was checked.

3 round. Writing an essay on a given topic.

4 round. Carry out a panorama lesson on the updated program.


By the decision of the jury of the Xth Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty 5B011700 - "Kazakh language and literature" the first place was taken by the students of Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University;

Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata shared second place with West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov;

Students of Pavlodar State Pedagogical University took the third place, Aktube Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, and Kokshetau State University named after K. Zhubanov. Sh. Ualikhanov.














Chair of theory and methodology of the Kazakh language