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Vocational guidance forum in Taldykorgan


January 19, 2018 in Taldykorgan hosted a vocational guidance forum with the support of the public foundation «Modern Education».


The purpose of the forum was to gather representatives of different universities in Almaty on one platform and provide students of grades 10-11 and their parents with information about specialties and conditions of admission. At this forum, different directions of training of universities were presented: pedagogical, economic, humanitarian and technical.


The vocational guidance forum consisted of two parts. The first part was a presentation of educational institutions, during which representatives of educational institutions answered questions of schoolchildren and parents, distributed handouts. The second part of the forum, a joint discussion of topical issues for high school students, was held in the assembly hall. During the forum, students were questioned in addition, then the questionnaires were processed and distributed among experts to carry out further individual career guidance work with students.


The forum was attended by representatives of Abai KazNPU, who faced the task of structuring and making available the information about university, specialties and university benefits, as well as talk about the material and technical base and active student life.





Center for career guidance work and admission of students