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A seminar «Academic Policy of Abai KazNPU» was held

On January 15, 2018 within the framework of the Winter School «Professionalism and Pedagogical Excellence» a seminar «Academic Policy of Abai KazNPU» was held.

In his welcoming speech, the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Asan Satmurzayev congratulated those present on the opening of the seminar and told about the main changes made to the academic policy of the University.

The seminar was attended by Director of the Department of Academic Affairs Hayrulla Zhanbek, head of educational and methodical Department Zauresh Abdykadyrova, head of the office of the Registrar Raushan Kantarbaeva, Head of the Center of career Gulbanu Aykymbaeva, head of students` office Nursagila Isabaeva, staff of the Department of Academic Affairs, Deputy Director of Institute, heads of departments.

The participants of the seminar focused on the development of modular educational programs. The need to further improve the mechanism of their formation was emphasized: bringing the University`s educational programs in line with the requirements of normative documents; a thorough analysis of existing disciplines and combine them into modules based on the logical-temporal sequence, determining the optimal number of ECTS into modules and discipline, involvement of employers in the design of modular educational programs and others.

The seminar also discussed the planning of the pedagogical load, the formation of an individual educational trajectory of training, the organization and passing of practice, the employment of graduates.

At the end of the event, each participant received a «Code of Academic Integrity» and a certificate confirming participation in the seminar.





Department of Public Relations