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«From Young to Young» competition offers new development ways for young teachers

Education with global citizenship is a key prerequisite for the successful achievement of humanity`s 4.7 Sustainable Development Goals.


Participation in the «From Young to Young» competition is an opportunity for young teachers and graduates of pedagogical specialties to test their skills in writing a reasoned essay, effective communication skills, critical and creative thinking in team; as well as the chance to learn more about the main provisions and goals of the Sustainable Development Goal 4: ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

The organizers of the competition proceed from the understanding that the quality of the education system corresponds to the qualifications of teachers and the quality of their teaching, so developing the potential of teachers to improve the sector is one of the main conditions for improving the quality of education.

The aim of the Competition is to develop writing skills for a reasoned essay on sustainable development topics, global citizenship of young teachers.


To participate in the competition, you must follow the link, fill out an application and send a reasoned essay to the address: to Khalitova Ildana.

For a more success, please learn the following UNESCO document: Preparing Teachers for Global Citizenship Education: A Template. Published in 2018 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. UNESCO Bangkok Office 2018.

The winners of the regional stage shall be recommended by experts for participation in the final stage - a competition of international problem-solving teams.

Deadline for submission of applications and reasoned essay: until April 17, 2022.

Deadline for review of works: from April 18 to May 15, 2022.

May 21, 2022 - World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development - the winners of the essay will be announced.

June 8, 2022 - World Oceans Day - the 2nd stage of the competition will be held - a festival for the best solution on «Educating children to respect water resources». The winners (1-3 places) participate in the second stage as part of international teams.