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Republican scientific and methodological online seminar will be held

with international participation

Within the framework of the decade of science at Abai KazNPU, a Republican scientific and methodological seminar will be held on the topic «Modern trends in teaching the Russian language and literature at school». The organizer and moderator of the event is the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education.


Participants of the seminar: scientists of the Institute of Applied Russian Studies of the Russian State Pedagogical University, A.I. Herzen, Mordovian State Pedagogical University named after Makar Evseviev, authors of Russian language and literature textbooks for schools with Russian and non-Russian languages ​​of instruction, editor-in-chief of the Mektep publishing house, lecturer at the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education at IMPI, faculty, methodologists, teachers of schools and colleges, undergraduates and doctoral students.


Date: April 8, 2022


Time: 15:00 (Almaty)


Registration of participants: 14:30


Join a Zoom meeting


Conference ID: 792 813 6773


Access code: 12345