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Teacher, educator, linguist: to the 125th anniversary of Shamgali Sarybaev


On 26 October in KazNPU was held the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific educational paradigms of the XXI century: language and culture as spiritual values».

The conference was timed to the 125th anniversary of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Shamgali Kharesovich Sarybaev and a landmark event in the life of the university - its 90th anniversary.

Scientists, public figures of the republic, educators, representatives of government agencies were invited to the event.

The conference moderator, university rector Takir Balykbayev, addressing the participants of the conference, said that during the event Shamgali Sarybaev`s multilateral activities would be discussed, which made a great contribution to the development of the Kazakh language and translation theory, to teaching methods, literature and journalism.

The purpose of the conference is to motivate research on the pedagogical, linguistic and cultural heritage of individuals who were at the forefront of educational activities in Kazakhstan, to promote cultural and historical values in the context of the humanities, to stimulate the effectiveness of scientific research.

«The first scientist who developed the methods of teaching the Kazakh language is a follower of leading figures who have made an invaluable contribution to the history of linguistics», the rector said in his speech. - Shamgali Kharesovich Sarybayev purposefully worked on the creation of teaching methods, in particular, the Kazakh language. Kairat Sarybai, Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan at international organizations in Vienna told valuable memories, brought little-known facts from the life of Sh.H. Sarybaev.

At the conference, reports of the famous alashoveda, doctor of historical sciences, professor of KazNPU Mambet Koygeldy «Kornektі agartushy - kemel adebietshі», corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of philological sciences Karimbek Kurmanaliev «Tilge kyrmet» were heard.

Summing up the results of the conference, Rector Takir Balykbayev noted that the root of spiritual revival lies in studying the life and work path of people like Shamgali Sarybayev. The historical information about his life, educational and creative activities cited at the conference will serve as an example for the younger generation.

















Department of Public Relations