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Competition in honor of the 100th anniversary of the famous Kazakh writer K. Tokaev


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the prominent Kazakh writer, the founder of the domestic detective genre Kemel Tokayev, the republican competition "Kemel kalamger" is announced.


The event is held in order to support Kazakh authors writing in the detective genre and on legal topics. The competition accepts works in the following categories:

1) a literary work in the genre of "Detective" / essay;

2) analytical and journalistic article on a legal topic / research.


Works that have not been published anywhere before are allowed to participate in the competition.


Applications from participants are accepted from May 22 to August 22, 2023.


Information on the procedure for holding the competition can be found in the special Telegram channel "Kemel kalamger baykauy" at the link


Entries should be sent to


The organizer of the competition is the Kemel Tokayev Charitable Foundation.

