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Co-working on introduction of preschool education trends into practice will take place

On November 8, 2023 the Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU invites you to take part in the international co-working "Transformation of preschool education system trends into practice (based on Reggio-pedagogy)".


Areas of work: Features and directions of development of Reggio-pedagogy; Key aspects of Reggio-pedagogy (Reggio Children - educational centre in Italy); Domestic experience of Reggio-pedagogy; Principles of formation of educational environment in Reggio-pedagogy.


The aim is to discuss and analyse the transformation of preschool education system trends in practice, search for new formats of teaching and education of preschoolers.


Participants - domestic and foreign scientists, specialists of preschool education system, representatives of city departments of education, doctoral students, masters and students.


Official languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.


Address of the Organising Committee: 31, Tolebi St., Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, office 30, Almaty, 050010.


Contact phones: 87017180685 Abitova Gulbanu Tastanova, 87054674187 Bulshekbayeva Asem Isaevna.