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Dear professors, teachers, staff and students of the university!


Congratulations on the upcoming 2019 year! New Year`s Eve gives faith in miracles, hope for success, and many new plans - personal and professional. Let all the good things that pleased you in the outgoing year be sure to find their continuation in the New Year!

The past year was rich in bright socially significant events. For us, this, of course, is the 90th anniversary of the university. The jubilee team met with high achievements. The university took 481 places in the ranking of QS World universities, becoming the best among pedagogical universities of the CIS countries.

I appeal to each of you with a deep sense of gratitude for your contribution to the development of scientific and educational activities of our university and, therefore, to a better future for all of Kazakhstan.

Much more needs to be done next year. This is, first, the transformation of education using innovative technologies, the deep introduction of digitalization, which will bring education to a new, qualitatively higher level of development.

We, teachers of higher education, perform an extremely important mission to train teachers who meet modern requirements, which are designed to educate and educate the younger generation of our country, modernizing the public consciousness and spiritual revival, which is, fulfilling the ambitious tasks that have been set by the President Kazakhstan - Elbasу Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Elbasi defined 2019 as the «Year of Youth». Our task is to educate young people. Abai KazNPU will make a worthy contribution to the Year of Youth.

I am confident that our research and teaching experience will be used as efficiently as possible to solve the most important strategic tasks of the university and the country as a whole, and the upcoming 2019 will be a year of high achievements.

I wish you all good health, good mood, self-confidence and achievement of goals! May the love of your loved ones, the respect of colleagues and friends be with you! Then, everything that you have planned for the New Year will surely come true!


Rector of Abai KazNPU,
Takir Balykbayev