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Honoring the scientist-hero of the day

        The Institute of Law and Economics of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai held a round-table discussion on the topic "Leasing market of Kazakhstan in the modernization of the national economy", dedicated to the 65th anniversary and the 40th anniversary of scientific-pedagogical activity of Honor worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor Adilbek Smagulovich Smagulov.
       In the scientific forum was attended by the rector of the University of Foreign Languages and Business Career, Doctor of History, Professor Sabri Hzmetli, chairman of the generals of Kazakhstan, General Major R.E.Haydarov, Professor KNU, Doctor of Law, Professor, academician of NAS RK S.S.Sartayev known scientists and leaders of a number of universities, representatives of the teaching staff and students.
      Moderator of round table was the vice-rector V.N. Kossov. A report on the life and scientific-pedagogical activity celebrant, deputy director of the Institute of Law and Economics for Academic Affairs, Ph.D., associate professor M.A.Kanabekova. The interventions of the "round table" congratulated Adilbek Smagulovich Smagulov double anniversary, and then shared their views on the theme of "round table".
Vice-Rector of the University V.N. Kossov read the text of congratulations of Rector KazNPU named after Abai, academician of NAS RK S.Zh.Praliyev and presented to celebrant the medal "Best Teacher", also presented traditional holiday Chapan.
         Between the performances of speakers sounded kui of Kurmangazy by employees of Department of Culture of the university.