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In honor of the opening of the Year of Youth: «Active style»


On January 24, at the initiative of the Department for Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy, together with the University Youth Committee at HMSC «Medeo»a mass skating event was organized to mark the opening of the Year of Youth.

First Vice-Rector Maktagali Bektemesov delivered a greeting on the occasion of the opening of the Year of Youth to the participants of the event, voiced the University`s perspective plans as part of the Year of Youth.

Over 700 students showed dancing flash mobs under the mottoes «Zhasa, Kazakhstan!», «Alga, Kazakhstan Zhastary!» motivating young people to active life.
The event continued with a concert program of the creative teams of the University and mass skating.

In conclusion, the participants of the event expressed their gratitude to the university rector Takir Balykbayev and the organizers of the action.

Any business requires labor. We urge young people to unite, to become friendlier, more organized and to put their plans into life together!














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социальной работе и молодежной политике