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Application for appointment of a candidate to a vacant position


Name of vacant position:

Specialist of the HR Policy Department

Main job responsibilities:

1) participate in the development of draft regulations on structural subdivisions and job descriptions of the Company`s employees, as well as the Company`s internal acts on HR issues (rules, regulations, instructions, etc.), and make timely amendments to them;

2) organise the work of the process of personnel search, recruitment, adaptation and development, take part in the work on recruitment, selection, placement of personnel;

3) in accordance with the labour legislation, to conduct personnel administration (execution, accounting and registration of personnel orders (hiring, dismissal, transfer, encouragement and awards, disciplinary penalties, business trips, holidays, etc.);

4) familiarise newly hired employees with orders, internal acts of the Company, including those necessary for their work;

5) organise the submission of declaration by the employees, including by sending notices to the employees on the deadlines for submission of the declaration established by the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) organise festive events held in the Company, including the list of employees, sending mailings and greeting cards to corporate mailboxes;

7) keep records, fill in and store labour books, execute, issue and keep records, register certificates from the place of work of the Company`s employees;

8) on a monthly and semi-monthly basis check the record of working hours (timesheets of supervised structural subdivisions of the AMP) actually worked by the Company`s employees, as well as if necessary and as instructed by the manager;

9) prepare the schedule of holidays of the Company`s employees taking into account their opinion for approval by the Company`s management, as well as keep records of granting holidays to employees and observance of holiday schedules, keep records and store personal files of the Company`s employees;

10) prepare reports on personnel issues, coordinate the work on labour discipline of the Company`s employees in accordance with the Labour Regulations and other internal acts of the Company;

11) prepare responses to incoming letters, enquiries, complaints, memos, etc.;

12) organise activities aimed at training, retraining and professional development of the Company`s personnel;

13) organise and carry out work on awards and incentives for the Company`s employees;

14) organise and coordinate the work on conducting procedures for certification of the Company`s personnel as required;

15) participate in official investigations on behalf of the management and prepare materials on imposing disciplinary sanctions on employees who have committed labour discipline violations;

16) advise the Company`s employees on issues related to personnel management and labour legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

17) to work on development and strengthening of the Company`s corporate culture;

18) coordinate the organisation of work in the field of personnel management;

19) maintain office work, ensure safety of documents and their submission to the archive in accordance with the established procedure;

20) prepare proposals for filling vacant positions and creating a reserve for nomination;

21) prepare information on a quarterly basis, timely enter information on hiring, dismissal and relocation of an employee, as well as personal data into 1-C ZIK (1-C Accounting), electronic labour exchange (, national educational database (NEDB), Univer system.


higher (or postgraduate) education

Professional competences:

in the relevant field for at least 1 year

Deadline for CV submission:


Contact person:

Tutkabaeva Zhuldyz