16.03.2015 Information about the International Internet Conference "Health and safety - key objectives of modern education" February 4, 2015
The conference was attended by academic staff and master degree students of KazNPU named after Abai, representatives of pedagogical universities of Russia: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Ekaterinburg, Kirov, Kyzyl, Tula, Chelyabinsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Reports were made by: Aizman R.I., Dr. Biological sciences, Professor, Head of Chair of Anatomy, Physiology and Safety NSPU, director of SRC of health and safety made repot on theme: Health and safety of participants of educational process - a priority of the education system. He noted that the need to improve the skills of school teachers and university professors in the field of health preservation and the environment - to do so NSPU offer short courses, webinar training system, and even unlock special master`s programs. Balgimbekov Sh. A., Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of Chair of Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene and Safety of the KazNPU named after Abai on the theme: Health and safety of life school children in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Problems and Solutions . In report Shamshidin Abdullaevich said, that 2 percent of high school students in our country have a chronic disease, one in five children from 1 year to 17 years are obese, and smoking is common among schoolchildren: 7.5 percent of children 11-14 years are addicted to tobacco. In conclusion, he presented the proposals on how to improve the health of school-age children in Kazakhstan. Alekseev S.V., Dr. Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Chair of Pedagogy, environment, safety and health of St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education on the theme: Integration of safety, environmental and human health - the path to sustainable development of society: educational context. According to him, with the help of pedagogical system to preserve the health of our children, we need a symbiosis concepts of health, safety, physical education and environmental education.