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A series of webinars on inclusive education at Abai KazNPU

In accordance with the work plan for the scientific program «BR18574162 Inclusively oriented training of special teachers» a group of researchers from 8 Kazakhstani universities organized and conducted a series of webinars on the basis of KazNPU named after Abai. We invite all interested parties to the third and fourth webinars in this series.


The third webinar on the topic: «Profession card: special educator in inclusive education» will be held on June 14, 2024 online, via ZOOM at 1 p.m.,. Speaker - PhD, associate professor of the North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev Dyusenbaeva B.A. In this webinar, the speaker will share her experience in developing a professional standard for a Special Educator in Inclusive Education.

Conference ID: 965 302 5473, Access code: 1972


The fourth webinar on the topic: «Professional competencies of a special teacher» will be held online on June 14, 2024, via ZOOM at 1:30 p.m.,. Speaker - PhD, senior lecturer Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University Kabdyrova A.A.

Conference ID: 965 302 5473, Access code: 1972


Teaching staff of universities that provide training for special teachers, as well as all interested persons, are invited to participate in the webinars.