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Webinars on inclusive education

We invite all interested parties to the fifth and sixth webinars, which will take place online on June 26, 2024 at 11.00 and 11.30. Webinar topics: "Model of training of special teachers in the conditions of inclusive education" (Speaker - Alshynbekova G.K., Ph.D., associate professor of KarSU named after Buketov) and "Content of inclusively oriented training of special teachers" (Speaker - L.N. Likhodedova, Ph.D., Associate Professor, KRU named after A. Baitursynov).


Webinars are conducted based on the results of the program "BR18574162 Inclusively oriented training of special teachers" (head of the PhD program Bilyalov D.N.), which is implemented on the basis of Abai KazNPU.


Links to ZOOM webinar 5: ID 720 8765 1950, access code: s84wv2


Link to ZOOM webinar 6: ID 738 3797 0966, access code: bw8nFR