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Tournament for the Rector`s Cup «ABAI UNIVERSITY CUP»




As part of the Year of Youth on March 2-3, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University held an urban volleyball tournament «ABAI UNIVERSITY CUP» for the Rector`s Cup with the participation of 18 women`s and men`s teams from 8 districts of Almaty.

The goal of the traditional event is to support young volleyball players in their desire to play sports and increase the importance of domestic volleyball. The Volleyball Federation of Kazakhstan, veterans of the national volleyball and famous representatives of the sports community supported this event.

The opening ceremony of the tournament was attended by the first vice-rector of KazNPU Maktagali Bektemesov, the master of international class of the Volleyball Federation of Kazakhstan, the ex-captain of the Kazakhstan national team Elena Zhitkeeva.

The first president of the Kazakh Wrestling Federation, Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport of the University Yergali Muhiddinov and and advisor to the Rector of Youth Affairs of University Maksat Zhakauov said words of farewell to the athletes and thanked them for participating in the competition.

In his speech, the first vice-rector of the university, Professor Maktagali Bektemesov, recalling the words of Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev at a recent meeting with the youth of Kazakhstan: «Sport is a guarantee of health and longevity», told students that sport for the younger generation is a stimulus to education, creative culture, the pursuit of knowledge and high victories. In addition, he stressed that the university management pays close attention to youth initiatives and provides significant support to the student community in all good undertakings.

The tournament lasted for two days with the participation of selected teams in the areas of the Olympic system. The women`s teams of schools No. 137 and No. 26 and men`s teams of schools No. 93 and No. 59 reached the final.

According to the results of the tournament, a pupil of school No. 26 Arailym Onalbay became the leader in the nomination «Best post» on the social network among schoolchildren about the official tournament. Nurzhigit Rokhan, (School No. 2) and Valeria Kolinko (School No. 7) became the «Best Players» of the match. Konstantin Kurchin (school number 100) and Anastasia Zeltsova (school number 7) were awarded the nomination «Best Forwards». The «best coordinators» of the competition were Alisher Erkebai (school number 2) and Milana Podymskaya (school number 7).

Among the main participating schools, the men`s team of school No. 100 and women`s school No. 61 took the third place; the second place - the men`s team of school No. 93 and the women`s team of school No. 137. The women`s team of school No. 59 and men`s schools No. 26 won the Rector`s Cup.

Participants of the tournament received special diplomas and valuable prizes from the University; A representative of the official sponsor of the tournament, the Kazakhstan Volleyball Federation, presented them high quality prize cups, and all participants received special medals.

The university administration expressed sincere gratitude to the President of the Kazakhstan Volleyball Federation Nurtay Abykayev for supporting the youth championship in volleyball among juniors in Almaty.