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Professor B. K. Damitov is 75 years old!




On March 14, at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University there was held a celebration in honor of Bazar Kabdoshevich Damitov. The honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a prominent teacher and scientist, an organizer of education and a public figure, director of the Department of Development Strategy and Quality Analysis of KazNPU is 75! The hero of the day devoted 50 years to scientific and pedagogical activity.

The event was attended by the rector of Abai KazNPU Takir Balykbayev, rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Galimkair Mutanov, President of the Kazakhstan Association for Engineering Education, member of the KAZSEE Accreditation Council, Abdumutalip Abzhapparov, KazNAU professor Esengeldi Medeuov, National coordinator of the Erasmus+ program in Kazakhstan Shaizada Tasbulatova, President of the Kazakh-German University Laszlo Ungvari, as well as heads of several other universities and structural divisions of our university.

Takir Balykbayev opened the event. «Dear Bazar Kabdoshevich, - said the rector, addressing the hero of the day, - you are an outstanding organizer of the educational system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, one of its leaders and a wise youth mentor. From the post of head of the Main Directorate for Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Ministry of Education and Science, you have risen to the Vice Minister of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan. Your work in 2010 as director of the Department of Development Strategy and Quality Assessment of Abai KazNPU made a great contribution to the development of the University`s Development Strategy, with your direct participation the main strategic documents of the University for 2011-2020 and monitoring and evaluation systems were developed; for the first time, the university has introduced a rating system for evaluating the work of faculty, educational and research departments, and administrative structures. Under your leadership, the university successfully implements a quality assessment system and thanks to this it works effectively. The key elements of this system are accreditation, ranking of educational programs, social surveys and teacher differentiation. Your scientific and pedagogical activity and your reputation in the field of higher education are highly appreciated and recognized by the scientific and cultural community of the republic. Your fruitful service for the benefit of the Fatherland was highly appreciated - awarding the Order of «Kurmet» and medals of the Republic of Kazakhstan, conferring the honorary title «Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan». I wish you prosperity!».

Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Galimkair Mutanov in his warm congratulations to Bazar Kabdoshevich on his jubilee date wished him a long life and fruitful work for the benefit of pedagogical education in Kazakhstan.

Other participants of the celebration made their congratulations. The hero of the day was presented with congratulatory addresses and valuable gifts.

In his closing speech, Takir Balykbayev thanked the participants of the event, and wished the hero of the day good health, success and prosperity in scientific and social activities.


Dossier: B.K. Damitov - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the IAS of of HS (2002), Academician of the National Academy of Education (2008), member of the Interstate Council for Education of the CIS countries, International Commission for the Equivalence of Educational Documents of UNESCO. With his participation, drafts of the first laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Education» and a new edition of the law (1999) were developed. Нe is one of the authors of the Concept of educational policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Program for the Development of Education, he was awarded the badges «Excellence in Education of Kazakh SSR»; «Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan»; «For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan», « Altynsarin» and others.




















Department of Public Relations