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On May 22 of the current year in the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai took place I constituent congress of the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities. Initiators of creation the Association is Seryk Praliyev -Rector of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai and Aleksey Semenov - Rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University.
Congress of the joint public body was opened by Seryk Praliyev - Rector of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
At the congress main report made rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University A.L. Semenov, who spoke in detail about the aims and objectives of the Association. In particular, he noted that the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union, leading to a new level of integration in the field of education and science. Problems of development of the higher pedagogical education in the light of the increased requirements at the present stage to the quality of pedagogical staff are highly relevant to the school system in each country. This raises the need to establish a joint public body, the main purpose of which will consolidate the efforts of cooperation and coordination of pedagogical universities on the development of the system of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education. This body may be a Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities, which included universities participating countries EurAsEC: Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan engaged in teacher training.
Activities of this Association will be promote academic mobility and academic exchange of academic staff and students; harmonization of system of the pedagogical education; development and strengthening of relations between the pedagogical universities, sharing achievements and advanced technologies, cultural values, the formation of scientific, educational, humanitarian space as one of the most important conditions for the rapprochement of people and mutual enrichment of national cultures. The objectives of the Association are also: organization of the examination of programs and projects in the field of pedagogical education and science, collection, research, analysis and dissemination of information relating to the sphere of higher and postgraduate pedagogical education, joint publishing activity, holding various sociological studies in the field of pedagogical education and science.
Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities - the first intergovernmental public organization, which was created in support of the Eurasian Economic Community with a view to integration in the field of education and science.
For today, In the Association entered 48 pedagogical universities of the participating countries of the Eurasian Economic Community.
Congress of the Association after the discussion, adopted the Charter of intergovernmental public body. Representatives of 48 countries of the Eurasian Economic Community of pedagogical universities, who took part in the Congress, signed a memorandum of association.
In conclusion, Participants of the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities congress have adopted the text of the message addressed to Nursultan Nazarbayev - President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.






Below we publish the message text.

Press center KazNPU named after Abai.

To President of the Republic of Kazahstan N.A. Nazarbayev
From the participants of the First Congress of the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities

Dear Nursultan Nazarbayev!

We are all very pleased that the Eurasian Union, created on your own initiative, currently has a huge credibility to the international community and every day expanding.
With a feeling of deep satisfaction to inform you: Eurasian Association of pedagogical universities, established on the initiative of the rector of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Praliyev Seryk Zhaylauovich and rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Aleksey Semenov, in support of the Eurasian Economic Community in the integration in the field of higher education and science on May 22 -23, 2015 in Almaty on the basis of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai took place the I constituent congress.
Members of this Association were 48 pedagogical universities countries - participants of EurAsEC: Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.
The main objective of the Association is to consolidate efforts and coordinate the interaction of pedagogical universities on the development of the system of higher and postgraduate teacher education, development and strengthening of relations between the pedagogical universities, improving the quality of teacher training, the implementation of the educational system of innovative technologies, the implementation of joint research projects, exchange of experience and. etc.
The congress elected governing bodies and adopted a program of action of the Association.
We want to assure you that the future activities of the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community will undoubtedly be successful.
Dear Nursultan Abishevich!
We are delighted that another international public organization founded in Kazakhstan, which was born on the earth brilliant idea of creating a Eurasian Economic Union. We are well aware that you are the years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan have done a lot to reform in the education system, and achieved this tremendous success. Expressing deep sense of respect for you as a leader of international scale, we wish you the best of success in the implementation of the strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050".
Sincerely congratulate you with victory in the Presidential elections! Let continue to grow stronger your credibility in the international arena!

Heads of educational institutions that are members of the Eurasian Association of pedagogical universities:

Alexey L. Semenov

Moscow Pedagogical State University

Praliyev Seryk Zhaylauovich

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Dorozhkin Yevgeny Mikhailovich

Russian State professional - pedagogical  university

Dziov Arthur Ruslanovich

Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute

Fedorov Aleksandr

Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical

University named after Kozma Minin 

Khaladov Khozh-Akhmet Sultanovich

Chechen State Pedagogical Institute

Grigorian Vardeban Fabritsuskovich

Gyumri State  Pedagogical Institute


Zuluev Bekmyrza Bekbolatovich

Osh Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute named  after A.Myrsabekov

Abdrashev Akunzhan Bakazovich

Jalal-Abad State university

Omuralieva Damira Kemelovna

Naryn State University named after S.Naamatov

Noketaeva Dinar Zhusubalievna

Kazakh State Women Pedagogical University

Baymyrzaev Kuat Maratovich

Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute

Arshabekov Nurgali Rahimgalievich

Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute

Pelevin Sergei  Igorovich

Armavir State pedagogical Academy

Yeremyan Ara Vladimirovich

Armenian State Pedagogical University named  after Kh. Abovyan

Babayan Harutyun  Arpabazovich

Armenian State Institute of physical Education

Shafikova Gulnaz Radmilovna

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after  M.Akmulla

Barsukov Vladimir Georgievich

Grodno State university

Moskvich Yuri Nikolayevich

Krasnoyarsk State

Pedagogical University

Named after V.P.Astafiev

Konyrbaev Tuganbay Abdrahmanovich

Kyrgyz State University named after  I.Arabayev

Churkina Nataliya

Omsk State Pedagogical


Shayymkulov Olzhobay Akhmatovich

Osh State university

Zholdasova Orynkyz Kopbosynkyzy

Taraz State Pedagogical Institute

Asetin Konstantin Eveneevich

Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Kalinina Zinaida Nikolaevna

Tula State Pedagogical University

 named after of L.N. Tolstoy

Ermakov Aleksandr Mikhailovich

Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University

named after K.D.Ushinsky