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Nauryz in Poland


In April 2019, undergraduates of the 2nd year of the specialty «Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of education» are at the Pomorian Academy of Slupsk (Poland) for a short-term research internship. Under the guidance of Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Manatkul Musatayeva, who is there as a visit professor, undergraduates held a celebration of Nauryz.

The event was attended by the Rector of the Pomeranian Academy, Professor Zbignev Osadovsky, Vice-Rector, Professor Danuta Gerchinski, Director of the Institute of Neophilology, Professor Gražina Lisowska, Head of the Russian Philology Department, Professor Galina Nefagina, teachers of the department and students. The purpose of the event is to acquaint Polish colleagues and students with Kazakh traditions (shashu, bata, etc.) and national cuisine.

The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere: the participants not only treated themselves, but also actively competed in canticle. So, Kazakh songs alternated with Polish ones. As the saying goes, friendship won: finished with Russian songs. The fact that the event was held at a high level is also evidenced by the fact that at the next morning information about this event with photos appeared on the Academy website.








Chair of Russian Language and Literature