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The words of the ancestors - the source of spiritual revival

On May 16-17, 2019, the International symposium «The words of the ancestors - the source of spiritual revival» was held at the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of Abai KazNPU. Scientists-turkologists from Kazakhstan, Turkey, Germany, Korea, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan took part in the symposium.

Symposium objectives areto analyze the contribution of the words of the ancestors, who for centuries strengthened patriotism and were slogans in the memory of several generations; the revival of the spiritual identity of the nation; preservation of every word of the Great Steppe thinkers; nurturing a sense of unity among all kazakhstanis.

Scientists at the plenary meeting and in the work on the sections «National-cultural character of the words of the ancestors and Turkic languages», «The words of the ancestors-foundation of Turkish literature», «The words of theancestors - foundation of the philosophy of the Great steppe» made informative reports. The issues and problems connected with the revival and preservation of the historical heritage of the Center of Turkic civilization and culture - the Great Steppe, uniting the peoples of many countries, were comprehensively analyzed and understood.

On May 17, all the participants of the symposium went to the Tamgaly Tas stow, one of the wonders of the Great Steppe and saw more than 3,000 rock petroglyphs, drawings of mysteries gods and writings.

















Chair of kazakh language and literature named after academician S.S. Kirabаev