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Dear  academic staff of  Abai  Kazakh National Pedagogical University!
         Electronic Library System IPRbooks on the basis of Abai KazNPU will pass free master classes "Using ELS IPRbooks in the educational process."

          The aim of the master class: to acquaint teachers with the possibilities of ELS, to inform how to use ELS in the educational process, to talk about the services of the system and the possibilities of their application in the work of the library and teachers (accounting, curriculum, teaching aids, etc. ). Particular attention will be paid to the content ELS. It is about 500 publishers and authors. Over the past year the library enriched literature in the Kazakh language and the work of teachers of Kazakhstan universities.
           The event will be On "14" in February 2017 at 13:00 at the address: Almaty, str. Tolebi 86, 2nd floor
Physics and mathematics building, scientific library  Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
Leading master-class: ELS Development Director IPRbooks Vita V.KUTUEVA 

Registration of participants - from 12-30 to 13-00!
          To participate in the master class please register by the following link:
- With certificate - up to 12-00 (Moscow time) 10.02. 2017
- Without obtaining a certificate - up to 12-00 (Moscow time) 13 .02. 2017
          Participation without registration possible. But to get a certificate can only those who have registered!
         Ask your questions related to the master class can be the head of supervising the event, KUTUEVA Vita by phone 8-800-555-22-35 ext. 145, e-mail:

Responsible for the organization of the event:
Director of the Scientific Library N.Zh.Imansydykova
Contact phone: 8727261- 22 -43 , 8727272- 81 -97
Looking forward to seeing you!