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Reporting meeting of the rector Takir Balykbayev


September 17, 2019 in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 5, 2016 No. 190 «On holding reporting meetings with the population of the heads of central executive bodies, akims, rectors of national higher educational institutions», a reporting meeting of the rector of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Professor Takir Balykbaev with the population was held.

The event was attended by deputies of maslikhat, representatives of the public of Almaty, the National Academy of Sciences, rectors of universities and other educational institutions of the city, employees of the city and Medeu akimats, the media, teaching staff and students of the university, as well as parents of students.

In his report, the rector summarized the results of the academic year 2018/2019, gave a detailed analysis of the educational, scientific, innovative, financial, economic and social educational activities of the university, noted the achievements and determined the strategic objectives and directions of the university`s development for the new academic year and for the future.

So, Takir Balykbayev noted that Abai KazNPU annually improves its position in world and republican ratings.




In the reporting period, a significant event took place - the 90th anniversary of the founding of Abai KazNPU with the participation of about five thousand people, including 119 foreign guests - rectors and teachers of partner universities from 23 countries, scientists from the USA, Italy, France, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, etc., as well as 69 heads of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and representatives of the scientific and pedagogical community of our country.

This year, the contingent of students amounted to 10,460 people. That is, the main goal of the strategic plan until 2025 is realized ahead of schedule - to reach the number of students to at least 10,000. The quantitative and qualitative composition of university students is increasing annually. So, this year, 316 Altyn Belgі holders, 182 applicants who graduated from high school with honors, and 47 excellent students of college graduates became our students.

The demand for graduates in the labor market and the satisfaction of employers with the quality of professional training of young specialists are also at a high level. In order to ensure interaction with employers, in 2019 a mobile application of Abai KazNPU «Mansap» was developed, which greatly facilitates the search for work and employment of university graduates.

An important aspect of the activities of a modern university is the formation of a highly qualified teaching staff. Professors from foreign partner universities were attracted, according to the results of the rating for high performance indicators in the academic year 2018/2019, 71 teachers of KazNPU received additional salary increases.

During the report, achievements and awards of teaching staff and students were announced. Further training of teachers is carried out in regularly conducted courses in various disciplines, Winter and Summer schools, in internships and English courses organized by the university. The work on the implementation of educational and scientific-innovative projects in the field of teacher education and pedagogical sciences, coordinating, supporting and developing the scientific, scientific-methodological and creative potential of educational institutions of the republic, was noted.

In the educational activities of Abai KazNPU, the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program is being implemented, constant work is being done to improve student self-government, develop mass sport and the creative potential of students, and provide social support to students. The student administration, the coworking center «SmartStudents», the club «Sanaly Urpaq», the music studio «ZhasStar», and the «Center of Young Poets named after O. Dosbosynov» were created.

In order to ensure openness and accessibility, the rector of the university regularly hosts citizens on all issues, personally considers appeals to his blog and mail, communicates in the Openspace format, and maintains personal accounts on social networks. For all appeals, appropriate measures are taken, control over their implementation is ensured. Takir Balykbayev emphasized that he personally and other university leaders will strengthen all types of communications with the public.




Work on introduction of new technologies is underway. The University has developed the Digitalization Concept and, in accordance with it, the Digitalization Roadmap, the process of comprehensive transformation and a significant increase in the effectiveness of all areas of the university`s activities is being successfully implemented through the development of digital infrastructure and the widespread use of digital technologies and resources.

Work on introducing high ethical standards in student life is developing. The «University Out of Corruption» project strengthens «zero tolerance» not only for offenses, but also for any forms of fraud and academic dishonesty, including the use of cheat sheets and cheating.

Thus, all of the above areas and measures to create conditions for quality education and the diverse development of youth harmoniously resonate with state policy.

At the reporting meeting, the floor was also given to the guests. So, the director of the M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, a deputy of the Maslikhat of Almaty, a member of the Supervisory Board Kenzhekhan Matizhanov, the president of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, a member of the Supervisory Board Askarbek Kusainov, honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of military sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Medeu District of Almaty, Kim Serikbayev, PhD, Director of the Republican Physics and Mathematics School Almaz Kungozhin, Rector of KazNAU Tlektes Espolov made speeches.

Everyone present had the opportunity to ask the Rector questions and receive complete answers. Those who have not had time to ask their questions are invited to submit them in writing. The answers to these questions will be posted on the university`s website.

Rector`s report






















Department of public relations