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Lectures of professors of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University on advanced training courses for teachers

In the period from October 28 to November 6, 2019, at the School of Arts of Almaty, professors of the Department of «Music Education and Choreography» of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports of Abai KazNPU, Laura Narikbaeva and Beken Bekmuamedov, at the invitation of the REMCCE of MES of RK, gave a series of lectures («Traditional and new methods in the process of learning to play the piano») at the Republican continuing education courses for teachers of continuing education in the musical direction.

Professors for piano teachers of CMS and art schools from all over Kazakhstan highlighted such topical issues as:

- «Tasks and prospects for the development and updating of the content of music education»;
- «Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the educational process in organizations of additional education for children»;
- «Actual issues of the upbringing of spiritual and moral values in the framework of the implementation of the national idea «Mangilik el» and the program «Rukhani zhangyru»;
- «Modern pedagogical technologies in the system of additional musical education»;
- «Modern information technology in the system of musical additional education of children»;
- «Psychological and pedagogical features of gifted children»;
- «Diagnosis of musical talent of children»;
- «Psychology of interaction in the conditions of a creative children`s team»;
- «Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the theory and practice of children`s associations»;
- «Competence-oriented education in the system of musical continuing education»;
- «Modern methods of teaching the piano», etc.

Laura Narikbaeva and Beken Bekmukhamedov were appreciated by the audience for their high professionalism, creative atmosphere and teaching new methods of teaching the piano and in the system of further education in general. On behalf of the school principals and the REMCCE of MES of RK, the professors received positive and grateful feedback.










Chair of music education and choreography