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Rector of Abai KazNPU: all issues and problems are being considered

On April 28, 2020, a hardware meeting of theMES of RKwas held with the heads of structural divisions and departments, education departments of the regions and cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent, rectors of the EPHPE.

The meeting participants considered the implementation of the social and youth policy of universities. Rector of Abai KazNPU Takir Balykbayev made a report on what is being done in this direction at our university. He noted that the educational process in the university headed by him is an integral part of the educational process based on the education of young people, taking into account centuries-old folk traditions. The head of the country`s leading pedagogical university spoke about eight areas of educational work that are being conducted at Abai KazNPU:
1. The program «Rukhani zhagyru»;
2. National education and propaganda of Abai`s heritage;
3. Creativity of youth;
4. Volunteer movement;
5. Student self-government system;
6. Prevention or prevention of corruption;
7. Social support for students;
8. Transparency policy, feedback.

The rector spoke in detail about the ongoing work in each direction. So, in the current academic year, within the framework of the program «Spiritual Revival» 35 events of international, republican, city and university level were implemented. The projects «Homeland», «Geography of the sacred networks of Kazakhstan»; «Modern culture of Kazakhstan in a globalized world»; «New humanities education. 100 new textbooks», «Persons of the Great Steppe were realized. According to the project «New humanities education. 100 new textbooks» the library fund of our university was replenished with 49 best textbooks in the world translated into Kazakh, and now they are actively used in the educational process.

In order to form the national self-awareness of young people, increase their civic and social activity, the discipline «National Education» (2011) was added, as an elective discipline it is conducted for first-year students in all specialties. In order to promote the heritage of Abai, the subject «Abaitanu» is studied for all 1st year students, this discipline is conducted as classes in Kazakh and Russian groups.

This year was declared the Year of Abai at our university. As part of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev, in order to widely promote his literary heritage among young people, a special plan has been approved, which includes 62 fundamental events. Department of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan at Abai KazNPU is actively working to promote the principles of national identity and interethnic integrity, preservation and further strengthening of national unity.

In order to increase the creative potential of all students within the framework of the Year of Youth, the «Smart Students» coworking center, the O. Dobosynov Center for Young Poets, and the «ZhasStar» music studio were opened. According to the plan for the current academic year, 46 large and important events were organized.

Currently, the university has six volunteer movements and the project «Student Social Credit». This project (2019) increases the civic activity of youth: today the number of volunteers involved in clubs is 395 students.

The project «Izgilik elshіsі» occupies a special place. This is the most fundamental project that helps to increase the activity of civil society and attract young people to volunteer. The Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute (established on October 7, 2019) launched it. The main coordinator of the project is the director of the institute Ainur Sabitova. Currently, this project has acquired the status of a republican and is actively working in 17 regions of the country. Club volunteers provide consultations to those in need of legislative assistance and take an active part in charity events.

The university has a system of student self-government. In order to provide youth with freedom of choice, create an open society, and increase the competitiveness of the self-government system, the Committee on Youth Affairs, the Student Administration, the Student Self-Government Council and other university youth organizations have been created.

As reported, April 23, 2020, Rector met online with the university`s student assets. The issues of holding the upcoming session were discussed, about foreign students living in the hostel, about work between students (challenge, etc.), communication with the leadership.

In order to improve the quality of education and create an anti-corruption culture, an Anti-corruption Council was created under the leadership of the rector. Approved by the Council Regulation, Roadmap, standard. There are currently three Council commissions. The student club «Sanaly Urpaq» was created, the design center «Parasat» was opened, the quality management system of the international standard ISO 37001-2016, the «Anti-plagiarism» system were introduced. During the winter session, a questionnaire was conducted as part of the campaign «Session without corruption».

In distance learning, to ensure academic integrity, exams will take the following forms:
1. Online test in the «Univer» system and using a proctoring system;
2. Examinations in creative disciplines in the format of video conferencing and proctoring is also used.

As part of the social support of students, privileges were provided for paying for tuition among those in need of social assistance. On the basis of the Rules for the provision of benefits, the selection committee of 879 freshmen in this academic year were granted benefits in various categories. Also, 766 students in need of social assistance, low-income families, excellent students, active in public life, received discounts on tuition.

Tuition fees have been extended until the end of May, and students will pass exams unhindered. Regarding the deferment of payment for studies, the possibility of making payments in accordance with the approved schedule and on each application of students about their situation individually will be considered.


Feedback with students is held in the Open Space format; meeting with students, the rector`s blog and through the personal mail and social networks of the university and the rector. Also, from June 2019, a Call Center has been operating at Abai KazNPU. In order to assist students and their parents, the center works around the clock, its employees are ready to answer all questions at any time, including on tuition fees, etc.






Department of Public Relations