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Webinar «How to publish research paper in in journals indexed in the Scopus database»

On May 6, 2020, the Department of Jurisprudence of the Institute of History and Law held a scientific online webinar «How to publish a research paper in journals indexed in the Scopus database» on the ZOOM platform.

The goal of the online seminar is to bring together scientists able to think in a new way, creating a scientific dialogue platform.

The Vice-rector for scientific work and international cooperation Aktolkin Kulsariyeva, Director of the Institute of History and Law Bolat Zhumagulov, the teaching staff of the institute, doctoral students and undergraduates, and about 70 academic candidates from other universities of Kazakhstan took part in the online seminar.

The Head of the department Yermek Buribayev and Associate Professor Nessibeli Kalkayeva were the moderators of the online seminar.

The speaker of the online seminar Professor Zhanna Khamzina shared interesting and relevant issues in the preparation of research paper:

1. What type of manuscript is suitable for publication?
2. The structure of the article;
3. Using the correct wording;
4. Are you ready to submit your research paper?

At the request of the webinar participants, the speaker willingly provided webinar materials for use by everyone in the preparation of scientific work. The link is attached.

One of the main priorities of Kazakhstani universities is improving the quality of the scientific potential of young generation. In this direction, Abai KazNPU along with a quality education makes a significant contribution to the development of fundamental science.

During this event, its participants exchanged views on current issues and suggestions. The results of the webinar were summed up by the Head of the Department of Jurisprudence Yermek Buribayev.








Chair of jurisprudence