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Webinar: issues related to working with disabled students were discussed


On October 14, 2020, another webinar of the Abai KazNPU Virtual Laboratory on the topic "Accessibility of higher education: approaches to the study of institutional factors" took place online, through ZOOM. Moderator of the webinar - PhD, Director of the Resource Advisory center for inclusive education for universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan Movkebayeva Z. A.

The speakers were Russian researchers from the Higher school of Economics: Malinowski, S. S., candidate of political Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of education research University and Ekaterina Shibanova, project analyst training laboratory "Development of universities", Institute of education research University Higher school of Economics (Moscow, Russian Federation).

Doctoral students of the defectology specialty took an active part in the event.

The reports caused a heated discussion, at the end of the webinar participants asked questions that arise when working with students with disabilities at the University.

The webinar was held within the framework of a joint project of Abai KazNPU and the Higher school of Economics on the topic: "Starting inequality of people with disabilities in the higher education system" (heads - Z.A. Movkebayeva, PhD, and K. polit.n. Malinovsky S. S.).