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Kazakhstan participants of the International scientific project 
spoke at the conference of EAOKO

On November 13, 2020, an online conference of the EAOKO (Eurasian Association for Educational Assessment) was organized in Moscow which was attended by the participants of the Kazakh-Russian international project dedicated to the study of reading skills - Inna Antipkina (Higher School of Economics, Moscow), Madina Abaeva (Abai KazNPU) and Marina Asylbekova (Publishing house Almatykitap baspasy).

The participants of the project made a presentation «Experience of large-scale distance assessment of reading skills of Kazakhstan students of Russian-speaking schools: data collection under quarantine conditions for COVID-19».

The report noted that this tool was the only standardized tool for assessing reading in Russian for the first grades in Kazakhstan (more than 1000 students in Russian-teaching schools in Almaty).


The authors of the project made reasonable conclusions about the specifics of testing during a pandemic.





Departement of Russian language and Literature