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Erbolat Tolepbay: Art is my life

On December 8, 2020, organized by the Center «Personalities of the Great Steppe» at Abai KazNPU, a meeting was held with the laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the talented painter Erbolat Tolepbay. Well-known scientists, public figures, students took part in the meeting on the theme «Art is my life». In particular, doctor of medical sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Myrza Alshinbaev, chairman of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, poet Ulugbek Esdauletov, poet, dramaturge, laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan Iran Gayip, famous composer, kuishi, author of the kyu "Wave of Mood" Seken Turysbekov, famous architect, chief architect of the city of Almaty and South Kazakhstan region - Gabit Sadyrbayev, public figure, journalist Zhanai Omarov, Chairman of the Board of Directors holding «Atameken» - Uzakbay Aitzhanov, member of the Union of Рainters of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidate of art studies, professor Muratayev Kurman and others.

The meeting was moderated by Acting Chairman of the Board - Acting rector Takir Balykbaev. He noted that the Faculty of Art and Graphics celebrated its 50th anniversary last year. The names of such talented graduates as M. Nurlybaev, T. Ordabekov, M.Amanzholov, D. Shokparov, B. Omirbekov, T. Beisenbinov, A. Nakysbekov, M. Nusipov, K. Akanov, N. Kilybaev are widely known in the country and for abroad. Among them, the laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the talented painterErbolat Togysbaevich Tolepbay is especially distinguished.


At the meeting, a documentary film about Yerbolat Tolepbay was shown and a report on painter`s world was made. Interesting stories were told about his life in art. Chairman of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, poet Ulugbek Esdaulet, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, poet Iran Gaip read poems dedicated to E. Tulepbai.


The meeting gave an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the mysterious world of the artist, who is highly valued not only in our country, but also abroad. At the meeting, young people learned many sides of the world famous artist, he really is an examplary for young people.

Organizers: Center «Personalities of the Great Steppe», Department of Education, Social Work and Youth Policy.