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Exhibition of artist Kaishybek Yerkin

on the 150th anniversary of Kazhymukan Munaitpasuly

On June 11, 2021, the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports together with the Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy held a grand opening of a personal exhibition of Kaishybek Erkin, a member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Kazhymukan Munaitpasuly.

Rector of the University, Darkhan Bilyalov was the first one to make a speech and presented the author of the paintings with a gift. Professor Baitursyn Omirbekov, Honoured Worker of RK, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Artists, Honoured Master of Sports in Greco-Roman wrestling, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan, Honoured Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, President of the Asian Wrestling Council Daulet Turlykhanov, Chairman of the country`s Artists Union, Honoured Worker of RK Omirbek Zhubaniyazov delivered a speech as guests.

After a concert programme prepared by students of the Institute, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held.

At an exhibition 41 pictures were presented, including 14 works devoted to the outstanding wrestler of Kazakhstan Kazhymukhan Munaitpasuly. Overall, the exhibition was held at a high level. The event was also attended by the media with the participation of the national channel Alma TV.
















Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports