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Summer school for heads

of institutes and structural subdivisions of Abai KazNPU


On June 15, 2021, contthe summer school «Abai azakh National Pedagogical University: experience and problems of higher pedagogical education»continued its work.


Temirkhan Tasbulatov, Director of Development Strategy and Quality Analysis Department presented the information on «The system of internal quality assurance» to the participants of the session. The participants of the session, including directors of institutes and their deputy directors, heads of departments, heads of departments, showed interest in the technology of internal quality assurance in the national university, in the methodology, basic principles and values.


The next session was led by Darazha Isabayeva, Director of the Testing Centre. The topic «Proctoring - types of examinations at Abai KazNPU» was covered. The trainees noted the relevance of introducing new approaches in distance education and showed interest in the ideas of pedagogy and proctoring.


Within the framework of the Summer School, the Director of the International Cooperation Department, Marzhan Tadzhiyeva, held an online session on the problems of distance learning organization during the pandemic with the participation of foreign colleagues:

1. University of Tsukuba (Japan) - Kuanysh Tastanbekova, PhD, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Humanities. The topic is «Organization of educational process in higher education system in Japan: the example of the University of Tsukuba»;

2. Mikolas Romiris University (Lithuania) - Inga Daukšienė, Professor of the Institute of Public Law at the Law School of the University. The topic was «Problems and solutions in the organisation of education at Mykolas Romeris University during the pandemic»;

3. Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University. Aisulu Parmanasova, professor. The topic is «Teaching students in a pandemic environment at Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University».


The trainees of the sessions got acquainted with relevant information, discussed common problems of distance learning and ways of their implementation. The speakers shared resources for tracking learning outcomes and process, increasing student interest and engagement in distance learning environments.