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Summer school for heads of institutes and structural subdivisions

of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


On June 18, 2021, the summer school «Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University: the experience and problems of higher pedagogical education» concluded its work.


The regular session on «Socially Responsible University» was opened by Zhanatbek Ishpekbayev, Acting Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Social Development.


Then, Zhamilya Namazbayeva, head of the Centre for Psychological Support for University Development of Abai KazNPU, introduced participants to the psychological foundations of the development of a socially responsible university and noted the importance of psychological support.


Deputy Director of NCE «Atameken» in Almaty Askarbek Nazambayev in his report «State support for young entrepreneurs» informed about the problems and challenges of online learning, the importance of economic literacy of today`s youth.


In her presentation on «Development of Leadership Skills of Future Educators», acting professor of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Anar Alimbekova proposed for discussion the development of leadership skills of teachers and students and showed the relationship of motivation to the effectiveness of teaching and education.


In subsequent sessions, representatives from Plekhanov Russian University of Economics shared their ideas:

Armine Grigoryan - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages 2, Research Lecturer. The topic of her presentation was «Language Transformation in Media and Internet Space».


Liya Torosyan - Head of the Chair of Foreign Languages 2, Associate Professor. The topic is «Bilingualism and Multilingualism in the Modern Paradigm of Education».


Kateryna Stepanenko - Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages 2, «Universal Language Personality - Myth or Reality».


Marina Simonenko - Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages 2, In Search of Global Cultural Code: Metaphors in the Context of Cultural Dialogue.


Vera Semina - Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages 2, «Peculiarities of intercultural communication by the example of idioms in Russian and English.

At the end of the presentations acting Director of the Department for Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy Kazyna Bekbenbetova held an exchange of views on topical issues of educational work and implementation of the model of socially responsible university.


The sessions were attended by deputy directors of institutes, heads of departments, professors, doctoral and master students.


Within the framework of the Summer School Deputy Director of the Centre for Continuing Education and Distance Learning Esenuly Daniyar conducted training courses «Digital tools in education (40 hours)» from 14 to 18 June this year.


Participants of courses - deputy directors of institutes, responsible for distance education, heads of departments, teaching staff of the university - became familiar with the latest digital technologies developed to increase the quality, speed and attractiveness of information transfer in teaching and learning; resources for tracking learning outcomes and progress, increasing interest and involvement of students in a distance learning environment. Course was created on the educational portal