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Webinar «Automated System of Psycho-Pedagogical Monitoring «HR+»


On 25 June 2021, the Virtual Laboratory at the Resource Advice Centre on Inclusive Education for HEIs in Kazakhstan hosted a webinar on the «Automated System of Psycho-Pedagogical Monitoring «HR+».

The webinar was dedicated to the authored system of psychological and pedagogical monitoring, analysis of the results of diagnostic studies and was intended for school leaders and employees, teachers of colleges and universities, psychologists, speech pathologists and all interested persons. Within the framework of the event, the basic principles of data processing of diagnostic studies, the use of digital automated services for processing diagnostic results were considered.

Speaker: Rashit Belgibayev, head of the project «Career guidance and headhunting ecosystem», Karaganda.

The moderator of the webinar: Professor of Abai KazNPU Zulfiya Movkebayevа.