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Cooperation of Abai University with

the Kazakhstan Federation of Clubs for UNESCO




On August 17, 2021 a meeting was held between the Rector of Abai University, Darkhan Bilyalov and the the vice-president of the Kazakhstan Federation of Clubs for UNESCO Ayazbayev Serkan. The event was organised by the UNESCO Department on educational science and teacher training of Abai KazNPU.

The parties expressed interest in the field of cultural, social, humanitarian development, educational and scientific process among young people. During the meeting, a Memorandum on mutual cooperation was signed, the tasks of which are to organize and conduct various joint events, in which the maximum number of participants will be involved.

During the meeting, the Secretary General of the Kazakhstan Federation of Clubs for UNESCO Kaparova Asemgul Saruarovna told about the implementation of the Club`s projects. The Vice-Rector of Abai University Kulsarieva Akalkyn and Head of the UNESCO Department on educational science and teacher training Tanabayeva Anar expressed their opinions on the importance of implementing the SDG goals nowadays.

The meeting ended with the identification of priorities for cooperation and important large-scale projects.