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Seminar results within #ErasmusDays, KAZDUAL project
«Modern trends of higher and professional education»

On October 16, 2021 in Abai KazNPU within the framework of the International Days #ErasmusDays and the current International Project «KAZDUAL - implementing dual system in Kazakhstan», the Erasmus+ program, an online seminar «Modern trends of higher and professional education».

Organizers: Working group, partners of the KAZDUAL project and the Department of Science of Abai KazNPU.

The aim of the workshop:
Discussion of the prospects for Dual Education in Kazakhstan with the participation of enterprises.

The event was attended by Bayan Sapargaliyeva - postdoctoral researcher, coordinator of the KAZDUAL project from Abai KazNPU, Igissinov Talgat - Head of the Commercialization Department of the Department of Science, a key person for design and technical support of the project. Aigul Iskakova - Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Internationalization, KAZDUAL Project Coordinator from M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Svetlana Gennadyevna Karstina - Head of Postgraduate Education Department, KAZDUAL Project Coordinator from Karaganda University named after academician E.A. Buketov, Aisulu Moldiyarova - deputy director for educational and production work, member of the KAZDUAL project team of Electrotechnical College.

At the seminar, the speakers shared their successful experience of the elements of Dual Education in their universities and colleges, focused on preparing students for the future, where the priority is to involve employers in personnel training. The participants of the seminar gave recommendations on developing common approaches to career guidance, attracting employers to the process of training specialists, internationalizing professional and higher professional education and bridging the gap between these two levels of education. To this end, dual training will be conducted in accordance with national and sectoral qualifications frameworks and professional standards requirements. Therefore, pilot programs should serve to revise the standards, as they often do not meet the needs of enterprises.

Kazakhstani universities and colleges need to study the European experience of ensuring the continuity of professional and higher education, ways of interacting with stakeholders, their involvement in the process of forming educational programs. The combination of these actions should lead to the differentiation of the educational process, the formation of points of innovative growth, to provide feedback between industry and education programs and an assessment of the professional competencies of graduates.

The possibilities of STEM research as part of the implementation of project learning - PBL for the implementation of dual education, with the further introduction of new programs or adjustments of curricula, to conduct research on the possibility of integrating pedagogical science with technical sciences to train teachers in the field of Dual Education at the Observatory, which will be opened in within the framework of the KAZDUAL project in Abai KazNPU. The Observatory is supposed to develop a structure for the training and retraining of teaching staff, the organization of advanced training programs and internships for teachers of universities and colleges in order to gain practical experience in the workplace, etc.

Participants of the online event within the framework of the #ErasmusDays International Days held a series of webinars, including those on the KAZDUAL project. At this seminar, there were about 50 participants, representatives of universities and employers of Kazakhstan, who were invited to further cooperation within the framework of the KAZDUAL project.