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Lectures of the teaching staff in the online format within the framework of internal academic mobility

From 25 to 29 October 2021 on the basis of the agreement on mutual cooperation between the Higher School of Art and Sports of Pavlodar Pedagogical University and the Department of Music Education of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports of Abai KazNPU Narikbayeva Lora, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Department of Music Education and Choreography of Kazakh National Pedagogical University delivered lectures on the course «Information Technologies in Music Education» to masters, students, teachers of the educational program «Music Education».

L. Narikbayeva`s lectures included the illumination not only theoretical questions and author`s approaches to use of the information and communication technologies in music education, but also practical mastering of the music and digital programs and applications for effective organization of musical classes for pupils and students.

The listeners have noted the value of the materials of online lectures and practical classes of professor Narikbayeva Lora and expressed an invitation to conduct the face-to-face (offline) classes on this course at the High School of Art and Sports at Pavlodar Pedagogical University within the academic mobility.

