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Scientific foreign internship of a doctoral student of Abai KazNPU was fruitful


From October 25 to November 05, 2021, Nurbekova Saltanat, a 3rd-year doctoral student of the Institute of pedagogy and psychology, specialty 8D012-pedagogy of preschool education and training, completed a foreign scientific internship at the Boris Grinchenko Kiev University in Kiev (Ukraine).

The purpose of the internship is the analysis and research of scientific papers, gathering the necessary material for research, exchange of experience in the learning process, participation in the educational process and international scientific conferences. During this time, the doctoral student has been visited lectures and practical training of candidates for higher education specialty 012 «Preschool education» scientific and educational level of «doctor of philosophy», Ph. D., Professor Kozak L. V.

The Deputy Director of the Institute for science Palamar S. P., and Kozak, L. V., gave a tour of the building of the Institute, got acquainted with the history, structure and activities of the University and the Department, with a demo Studio at the centres of practical training of the Pedagogical Institute, Centre for innovative learning technologies (ICR). The Center functions within the framework of the implementation of the international scientific project «Modernization of higher pedagogical education on the use of innovative teaching tools (MoPED) of the Erasmus+ Program.


S. Nurbekova was advised by her supervisor, Professor L.V. Kozak, on the research work on «Development of creative potential of senior preschool children through play». It was noted that the results of the experimental part of the research work have improved. She participated in the III International Scientific and Practical Online Conference «A new strategy of teacher training: public request, educational trends», which was attended by specialists of educational institutions and scientists from Poland, Belarus, Cyprus. She made a presentation on «Play as a Means of Development of Creative Potential of Preschool Children».


An online meeting of the departments of preschool education of B.Grinchenko University and preschool education, social pedagogy and self-knowledge of Abai KazNPU was organized. The issues of scientific internship and further cooperation were discussed. The meeting was attended by Director of the Institute Kotenko O.V., Deputy Director for Science Palamar S.P., Head of the Department Polova E.N., supervisor of doctoral student Kozak L.V., graduate students from the University named after B.Grinchenko and adviser of doctoral students Abitova G.T., domestic head Alimbekova A.A., teachers, doctoral students of the Department of Preschool Education, Social Pedagogy and Self-knowledge of Abai KazNPU. The Department of Preschool Education organized excursion cultural programs. We were introduced to the history, features and sights of Kiev.