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A festive event «Amal keldy - zhyl keldy!» took place


On March 14, 2023, in honor of the 95th anniversary of Abay University, the project office "Rukhani Zhangyru" and the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics organized a festive event «Amal keldy - zhyl keldy!».


The event was attended by special guests as the head of the department for interaction with the scientific and educational sphere of the public development department of the city of Almaty Kasymetova Bakytgul Tekhnikovna and the director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Sydykov Bakhyt Dikambaevich, who enjoyed the creativity of the students and wished them new heights with admiration.


During the festive evening, the active youth of the institute sang songs, performed kyui and gave a great mood. In order to develop the national game, "asyk" was played with the audience, baursaks and nauryz kozhe were distributed.


At the end of the evening, a scene prepared by students for the Amal holiday was shown and a patriotic song was sung.


Congratulations to all on the holiday of spring!















