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Seminar-training on project management


On 10 October, 2018 in Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University held a training seminar on project management with the head of the Academy of Certification, one of the leading project managers of Kazakhstan on PRINCE 2 and IPMA - level «A», Dr. Bauyrzhan Ereshev.

Rector of the University Takir Balykbayev, vice-rectors and heads of departments participated in the training seminar.

The objectives of the seminar are: the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of project management; development of teamwork technology in the project; familiarization with the mechanisms to enhance the promotion of project management; training in project management and strategic planning; creation of a creative mass of specialists for the formation of breakthrough innovative projects in science and education; training of KazNPU employees in basic project management processes based on the corporate project management system (CPMS); formation of a project team of professionals.

The corporate project management system is a complex of organizational, methodological and informational tools supporting the project management processes in an organization. The use of CPMS will increase the number of successful projects (both internal and external) and increase the efficiency of project activities.

During the seminar, Bauyrzhan Ereshev spoke about project management and project planning, focused on the basic management processes, concepts and structures of the CPMS, their capabilities, the results of creating the CPMS, which will allow university managers to create a balanced portfolio of projects focused on the university`s strategic goals; analyze the implementation of the project portfolio; get a «single picture» of all projects; monitor the achievement of strategic goals; control and coordinate the use of university resources; control the timing of the project and its budget; control the overall progress of the project at key points; periodically conduct an audit of the project, project activities and provide timely corrective action.

At the end of the meeting, a number of recommendations for the implementation of project management in Abai KazNPU were proposed.










Department of Public Relations