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 «Alice`s trip to Komland»

On 10 December, 2018, an event with participation of the first year undergraduates took place at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. The event was organized with the aim of completing the subject of «pedagogy», by 1st year undergraduates, under the guidance of a professor Natalya Nikolaevna Khan.

Difficult pedagogical processes were presented in the form of a well -known fairy tale «Alice`s tripto Komland». The audience had an opportunity to travel to the cities of this wonderful country. The first city of Komland was Cultcom.The connection of culture and pedagogy were presented here. Afterwards, in Intelcom we became witnesses of scientific and technical discoveries in pedagogical sphere. We have heard edifications of the great Abay and Jules Verne in Comcom.Visiting the last city, Pedcom, we have seen the great Confucius.

The realization of modern society`s needs is impossible without qualitative preparation of qualified specialists and undergraduates demonstrated us the types of professional competency through oeuvre and art.

Director of Institute of psychology and pedagogy, doctor оf pedagigical sciences, professor Almukhambetov Berikzhan, assistant professor of KazNPU, doctor of philosophy sciences Sarsenbayeva Lyaziza Onalbayevna, assistant professor of KazNPU, candidate of pedagogical sciences, undergraduates and doctoral students participated in this event.