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The IV International Essay Contest is announced


In 2024, Organized by the Council of Young Researchers of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, devoted to the 125th anniversary of Kanysh Satpayev, the founder of the Academy of Sciences, academician of the Academy of Sciences,  the IV International Essay Contest on the topic «Education and Science in the era of digitalization» will be held. All young scientists and teachers under the age of 40 can take part in the competition.


Acceptance of works: it is carried out by mail: Essays are accepted in kazakh, russian and english.

Deadline for accepting works (deadline): until April 8. At the bottom of the author`s work should be information about yourself (phone number, email address, name of institution or organization, city).


Participants who took 1st, 2nd, 3rd and incentive places will be awarded cash prizes and diplomas.


I. The essay should be written based on the following questions:

- expressing a personal point of view;

- theoretical justification and factual evidence (arguments);

- citing terms and quotations;

- using different approaches based on critical thinking;

- compliance with the laws of logic;

- use of comparison and generalisation methods;

- literacy (spelling, grammatical and stylistic);

- citation of authors;

- taking as a basis the requirements of academic writing and writing in one of three languages (Kazakh, Russian, English).


II. The essay writing plan is as follows:

1. Introduction (about 20% of an essay). It includes the essence of the topic, a number of logically and stylistically related structures. At this stage, it is very important that the applicant correctly poses the question that is being answered in the research, and furthermore, consistency of evidence is required to support the answer. For example, you may look for answers to the following questions: "Is the topic I am working on important?", "What concepts, in my opinion, can this topic include?" etc.

2. The main part (about 70% of an essay). The selected problem and the main issue include theoretical and practical foundations. This section assumes that there is evidence and analysis; arguments and positions other than your own need to be justified on the topic. The main content of the essay in this part. Therefore, based on the subheadings, it is important to organise the evidence (using logical data or reasoning), i.e. the presented evidence/analysis must be justified. If necessary, you can use tables, graphs, diagrammes, as well as your own experience as a tool for analysis.

3. Conclusion (about 10% of an essay). Conclusion - reasoned inference and summary on the topic. It summarises the essay or redefines the meaning and significance of what was said in the main section. Recommended methods for formulating a conclusion: repetition, description, quotation, effective proof. A conclusion can be made by following to a very important element complementary to the essay, such as a reference to the application of the study (implication), without excluding its connection with other problems. The conclusion should contain the answer to the question "What can be said about the question raised at the beginning of the essay?" The essay is evaluated for validity, originality and innovative thinking in the study of the posed problem.


III. Essay structure: no more than 1000 words. Only those works that have successfully passed the anti-plagiarism test will participate in the competition. Scientific novelty less than 70% must not be be accepted.