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In honor of the hero

May 4, 2015 in KazNPU named after Abai held the International Scientific Conference "Problems of poetics and prose study VII», devoted to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the 100th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh scientist, Hero of the Soviet Union Gabdullin Malik.
Plenary session of the conference, devoted to the 100 anniversary of the Hero of the Soviet Union M. Gabdullin, which opened by the Rector of the University, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Serik Zhaylauovich Praliyev.
With memories of the Hero of the Soviet Union M. Gabdullin shared academician of NAS RK, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor Serik Smailovich Kirabayev, chairman of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan, deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic Nurlan Myrkasymovich Orazalin. Director of the Institute of Literature and Art of NAS RK, Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor Ualikhan Kalizhanovich Kalizhanov red report on the heroic deeds and creative heritage of M. Gabdullin. Daughter of the hero Maidan Gabdullina expressed gratitude.
In conference was presented the two-volume book "Malik Gabdullin". In this day, on the wall of the main building of the University was opened Memorial plaque dedicated to the Hero of the Soviet Union, a renowned scholar Malik Gabdullin.
Then the conference continued in the following directions:
1. Malik Gabdullin - scientist, writer, educator, social activist;
2. Artistic interpretation of a military theme in the literature of XX - beginning of XXI centuries;
3. Actual problems of modern literary studies and poetics;
4. Linguistic aspects of the study of the art text;
5. Scientific and methodological problems of teaching philological disciplines in schools and universities.

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KazNPU named after Abai