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Dear colleagues! Dear students!

Congratulations on your upcoming 2020!

For each of us, the New Year is a celebration of warmth, sincerity, the beginning of something new. This is the time when together we can share the joy of success, take stock of last year and determine plans for the future.

2019 was marked by the fruitful work of the entire team of Abai KazNPU. According to the QS World University Ranking rating, our university took 561st place, 4th place among Kazakhstani universities (481, 5 - 2019). In the world ranking QS Emerging Europe & Central Asia (EECA), taking 105th place, entered the top 10 universities in Kazakhstan. Among pedagogical universities of the country Abai KazNPU took the first place. In the ranking of Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, according to data for January 2019, we took 1st place among pedagogical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 4th place among all Kazakhstan universities (15 - 2018). In the ranking of Web of Science, KazNPU is traditionally in first place among the pedagogical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The outgoing year was a year of victories, achievement of difficult goals and truly significant achievements. The success of students and teachers in research, pedagogical and sports activities is a multiple confirmation of this.

AbaiKazNPU continues to actively interact with domestic and foreign universities and implement important projects. Our common achievements were received grants, victories in competitions of teachers and students, recognition of our educational programs, holding of significant international conferences, new partners. All this became possible thanks to your professionalism, knowledge, experience. I also want to note our achievements in science, this year we became the leader in publishing activity in the Web of Science Core Collection over the past 5 years among pedagogical universities of the country.

And in the coming year, we have a lot to do in all areas of the university, primarily in education, science, corporate culture, personnel and youth policy. The efforts of the team should be focused on the implementation of the Address of the President of the country, the State Program for the Development of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025, the University Development Strategy for 2018-2025.

Dear colleagues, we are united by one goal, the desire to benefit our own university, the responsibility for its fate. Very soon 2020 will come into its own. And I want the New Year holidays, creating an amazing atmosphere of goodness, to warm us with special warmth, give us the brightest feelings, help us to believe in the best and hopefully think about the future.

On New Year`s Eve, I want to thank all my colleagues, teaching staff, students and staff for their creative work, dedication to the university, and sincere interest in all our affairs and undertakings. I am sure that we will continue to maintain and strengthen these good traditions.

I wish you all bright professional successes, new victories and achievements, creative inspiration, good health, joy and happiness, peace and prosperity. Happy New Year!


Rector Takir Balykbayev