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Discussion of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the status of the teacher»




On January 9, 2020, a meeting was held with the deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the country, the president of the Alumni Association of the University T. T. Mukashev to discuss the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the Status of the Teacher», adopted on December 30, 2019. Members of the rectorate, employees and teaching staff attended the event.

The event was opened by Rector Takir Balykbayev; stressing the importance of the adoption of this document, he especially noted the issues of protecting the rights of teachers, proper evaluation of their work, reducing the burden and increasing the requirements for employees in this field.

In turn, the Senator Toleubek Mukashev introduced the participants of the event to the important parts of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the Status of the Teacher» and noted its priority directions.

During the event, the directors of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology B.A. Almukhambetov, the Institute of Natural Science and Geography - K.D. Kaymuldinova, the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports - T.M.Kozhagulov. They noted that this law will give a positive impetus to the development of the pedagogical community.

The youth of the university was addressed by the Chairman of the Youth Committee, Dildbek Didarbek, who stressed that that this initiative will be a new step toward improving the quality of education.

At the end of the event, the deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Toleubek Mukashev was awarded the title «Honorary Professor» and received a special certificate.