Winter school:problems of distance learning on new programs were discussed
On January 5-10, 2020, at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in the framework of the Winter School «Teacher education in a changing world: new priorities», refresher courses were conducted for teaching staff, heads of distance education programs.
The courses «The work of a teacher in DLS (moodle), the development and implementation of EEMCD, course support» (40 hours) were conducted by the deputy. Director of the Center for Continuing Education and Distance Education of Abai KazNPU Daniyar Bidaibekov. The goal is to familiarize teachers with work on this topic.
In the course, the teachers worked out skills for determining the goal and task, the structure of a distance learning system (moodle), formed conceptual concepts, theoretical foundations and practical skills for an updated curriculum in the context of dual learning, gained experience and planning the learning process in the DLS (moodle).
Classes were held in the format of lectures and practical classes. The course participants had the opportunity to discuss their vision of the problems associated with the development and delivery of EEMCD in the portal