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International project with Californian State University (California, USA)




Abai KazNPU won an international project «Evidence-based educator preparation and organizational culture» jointly with Sacramento- California State University (California, USA).

The goal is to create a sustainable professional network of educator preparation programs dedicated to the practice of intentional improvement that is informed by the international partnership.

The consortium will operate through three key projects:
1. The two institutions will design a cross-cultural ethnographic study that may employ formal observations, in-depth interviews of faculty, clinical personnel, and students. The purpose of the study will be to identify unspoken assumptions about quality educator preparation, and their alignments or misalignment with the internationally recognized best practices. The working hypothesis is that some elements of organizational culture enhance, and others obstruct implementation of evidence-based best practices of educator preparation.
2. The consortium will hold two seminars - one in Sacramento, and one in Almaty with a participation of other regional educator preparation institutions. The aim of the seminars is to share the research findings regarding organizational constrains and enablers to facilitate adoption of best practices.
3. The two partners will publish an edited volume based on the two studies and seminar results in English, Kazakh, and Russian. The study will attempt to formulate recommendations to educator preparation institutions on how to engage and transform organizational cultures to enhance a transition to the evidence-based practices.

Project timeline
1. Spring 2020. Sac State planning team (3 individuals) visits Almaty to develop study design; conduct pilot studies.
2. Summer/early Fall 2020. Abai KazNPU planning team (3 individuals) visits Almaty to develop study design.

3. Fall 2020. Research teams will conduct field work in their own institutions.
4. Spring 2021. Data analysis and two seminars 5. June 2021. Chapter writing and translations.

Project Coordinator - Sapargaliyeva Bayan, Head of International Programs and Cooperation
Department for International Affairs +7(727)291-36-92.