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Career guidance work with graduates of Almaty schools


On 4 May, 2020, a meeting was organized with graduates of Almaty schools and their parents according to the zoom program. The meeting was attended by teachers of the Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation Institute of Philology and multilingual education Kulsun Abdrakhmanova, Eleanora Kanseytova and Nurzhamal Kospaganbetova who spoke in detail about the specialties «Oriental Studies», «Foreign Philology», «Translation Studies».


Graduates of schools were given information about the graduates of these specialties studied in Oriental languages and about teachers. It was noted that there are departments of magistracy and doctoral studies and the opportunity to continue training at the end of the undergraduate program. In addition, students who are active in the learning process will be sent to carry out research work in the East (Arab countries, Turkey, China). At the end of the meeting, the class teacher R. Satpayeva, parents and schoolchildren thanked the organizers of this meeting for useful information.






Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation